Umm...okay so there will be a POI release when we release it. The rest is not part of a topic that I'm interested in discussing anymore.

Build issues that I'm aware of:

1. Someone needs to anoint themselves release manager for 3.x.x XXx
2. Someone needs to get a valid key recognized by Apache.

Given that I mainly only do patches anymore to fulfill customer requests and they have a long bake time and tend to be "out of range" for long periods of time, I'd like the first two not to be me.


can someone please figure out if we have any other REAL issues and list them here? Some seemed to be "preference" issues of Jakarta members. I do not plan to assist in satiating those. #2 is a serious issue, we should be signing releases. I will help with any serious legal or technical issues as the integrity of POI is important to me / our business.



David Fisher wrote:
First let's talk about what is necessary to get the build to generate artifacts that comply.

Yes - is it close now, or not? That is all I meant by "roadmap"

BTW - Didn't I say I didn't want to get into that awful Jakarta General discussion. (I understand completely your "Ackerly" issue - having licensed a Microsoft Excel Developers SDK 12 years ago.)

Yegor wouldn't be volunteering if I hadn't assigned him to work with POI 2 years ago, and that is no lie. I stay on the sidelines and offer advice.

Generating Excel and PPT is important to us.

(As is PDF, but that isn't in POI's roadmap. I generated PDF from C++ for Acrobat 1.0 in the early 90's. If Bill Gates is really jealous of PDF then he should have published the office file formats in 1992. He missed it, just like he missed the internet. I have it on good authority that just like Ballmer won't let his kids have an iPod, Bill won't look at a PDF.)

I didn't intend this to be a "venom" thread, but you should know that if you tap it all of us have some. If we didn't have some Microsoft "issues" we wouldn't be eating the POI.

Again, when and how will there be a POI release?


On Jan 10, 2007, at 4:02 PM, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:

Roadmaps are lies in a volunteer open source project. Draw your own and just move it when it isn't met or put resources on the table to get them met. First let's talk about what is necessary to get the build to generate artifacts that comply.

David Fisher wrote:

OK. There was an attempt at a POI 3.alpha3 release last month, and Jakarta got into a big snit because it wasn't done right, etc. Then there has been a whole lot of effort to get everything updated to the current Jakarta standards. (This is the short version and I don't care about all the details as there is a long, long thread on Jakarta General about it.)

Where is POI now? Is it almost time to vote for an actual release?

IMHO the next release might as well be a "final" or "RC" one and not "alpha" or "beta"

Could someone (Nick?) please provide a roadmap?

I know that Yegor wants to do some HSLF refactoring to contribute some of the style improvements that he has already completed for me. He doesn't have every feature covered yet and this shouldn't necessarily block anything.

Best Regards,
Dave Fisher

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