Most important  issue was the file headers. Been fixed. Key signing needs to 
be arranged. 

Everything else (IMO) was a wishlist and/or general QA issue, not unexpected 
in an alpha release. 


On Thursday 11 January 2007 08:58, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
> Umm...okay so there will be a POI release when we release it.   The rest
> is not part of a topic that I'm interested in discussing anymore.
> Build issues that I'm aware of:
> 1. Someone needs to anoint themselves release manager for 3.x.x XXx
> 2. Someone needs to get a valid key recognized by Apache.
> Given that I mainly only do patches anymore to fulfill customer requests
> and they have a long bake time and tend to be "out of range" for long
> periods of time, I'd like the first two not to be me.
> Lastly:
> can someone please figure out if we have any other REAL issues and list
> them here?  Some seemed to be "preference" issues of Jakarta members.  I
> do not plan to assist in satiating those.  #2 is a serious issue, we
> should be signing releases.  I will help with any serious legal or
> technical issues as the integrity of POI is important to me / our business.
> thanks,
> Andy
> David Fisher wrote:
> >> First let's talk about what is necessary to get the build to generate
> >> artifacts that comply.
> >
> > Yes - is it close now, or not? That is all I meant by "roadmap"
> >
> > BTW - Didn't I say I didn't want to get into that awful Jakarta
> > General discussion. (I understand completely your "Ackerly" issue -
> > having licensed a Microsoft Excel Developers SDK 12 years ago.)
> >
> > Yegor wouldn't be volunteering if I hadn't assigned him to work with
> > POI 2 years ago, and that is no lie. I stay on the sidelines and offer
> > advice.
> >
> > Generating Excel and PPT is important to us.
> >
> > (As is PDF, but that isn't in POI's roadmap. I generated PDF from C++
> > for Acrobat 1.0 in the early 90's. If Bill Gates is really jealous of
> > PDF then he should have published the office file formats in 1992. He
> > missed it, just like he missed the internet. I have it on good
> > authority that just like Ballmer won't let his kids have an iPod, Bill
> > won't look at a PDF.)
> >
> > I didn't intend this to be a "venom" thread, but you should know that
> > if you tap it all of us have some. If we didn't have some Microsoft
> > "issues" we wouldn't be eating the POI.
> >
> > Again, when and how will there be a POI release?
> >
> > Peace,
> > Dave
> >
> > On Jan 10, 2007, at 4:02 PM, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
> >> Roadmaps are lies in a volunteer open source project.  Draw your own
> >> and just move it when it isn't met or put resources on the table to
> >> get them met.
> >> First let's talk about what is necessary to get the build to generate
> >> artifacts that comply.
> >> -Andy
> >>
> >> David Fisher wrote:
> >>> Hi-
> >>>
> >>> OK. There was an attempt at a POI 3.alpha3 release last month, and
> >>> Jakarta got into a big snit because it wasn't done right, etc. Then
> >>> there has been a whole lot of effort to get everything updated to
> >>> the current Jakarta standards. (This is the short version and I
> >>> don't care about all the details as there is a long, long thread on
> >>> Jakarta General about it.)
> >>>
> >>> Where is POI now? Is it almost time to vote for an actual release?
> >>>
> >>> IMHO the next release might as well be a "final" or "RC" one and not
> >>> "alpha" or "beta"
> >>>
> >>> Could someone (Nick?) please provide a roadmap?
> >>>
> >>> I know that Yegor wants to do some HSLF refactoring to contribute
> >>> some of the style improvements that he has already completed for me.
> >>> He doesn't have every feature covered yet and this shouldn't
> >>> necessarily block anything.
> >>>
> >>> Best Regards,
> >>> Dave Fisher
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
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