On Fri, 24 Mar 2006, Budi Darmawan wrote:
> I am trying to extract slides information from PPT files using POI HSLF
> (alpha 3.0 scratchpad). And got stuck on the following:

I've just taken a look at it, and the current slide ID stuff isn't ideal.
I'm going to have to sit down and do a proper review of it all, and make a
few changes, but that's not going to happen straight away.

For now, I've added a method to Slide to get the Slide's number (1, 2, 3

> 1. The slide ID is not returned from the org.apache.poii.hslf.model.Slide
> ... I need to add the code to return
> _atomSet.getSlidePersistAtom().getSlideIdentifier(); while checking for
> NullPointer.

I'm not sure we always pass in the right SlideAtomSet, and we don't always
give a SlideAtomSet in all cases, so this isn't ideal. I'm going to need
to think about this a bit, and hopefully find a more ideal solution

> 2. The slides is returned out-of-order;

Can you upload an example where this happens to bugzilla? That might help
me spot how it works/breaks, and can also make the basis of a new unit

> then I am trying to get the Sheet number. The source indicate that Sheet
> number is in the Slide Atom object, however, I cant find any reference
> in that object to a number (I browse the hex codes.) Where can I get the
> sheet number for slide ordering?

As best I can tell, the slide atom doesn't actually have the slide number
(even though it would be an obvious place to put it). It does have the ID
of the associated notes field, which is also the Identifier in the
matching SlidePersistAtom, but if you don't have a notes field then
there's nothing to tie it up with :(


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