Andrew Golebiowski wrote:

> Krzysiu (pardon za spoufalanie sie)

Nie szkodzi Andrzeju, wypijmy zatem wirtualnego "brudzia" !

> Kiedys, juz pare lat temu, widzialem u kumpla w robocie plakat:
> Three biggest man made disasters of XX century:
> Hiroshima 45
> Czernobyl 82
> Windows 95

To tez dobre. Zreszta w srodowisku uzytkownikow Mac-a krazy tego
wiecej, nie chce wszakze zalewac listy ze swej natury malo
informatycznej (chociaz czy informatyka nie jest juz trwalym
elementem kultury ogolnoludzkiej, takze wiec polskiej ?)
materialem, ktory wyznawcow PC (cokolwiek ten skrot oznacza ;-))
moze deprymowac.

Pozdrawiam Andrzeju !

Krzysztof Borowiak

PS. Tych, co w najblizszym czasie zamierzaja kupic komputer
zachecam do odwiedzenia, aby ujrzec rewelacyjny
(pod wzgledem wzornictwa) przenosny komputer iBook. Cudo !
Piekne uzupelnienie kolorowej serii iMac-ow.

Ponizej szczegoly:


Probably the most eagerly awaited event at the Macworld show this year
was Steve Jobsi Keynote address on Wednesday morning.  It turned out to
fulfill all expectations as he introduced the amazing new iBook.

Smoothly rounded edges that fit the curve of your hands, pleasing
textures, a brilliant 12.1-inch high-resolution active-matrix display,
and a convenient carrying handle that folds away out of sight are among
the many thoughtful touches you'll appreciate about the iBook.  And with
a 56K modem, a 10/100BASE-T Ethernet port, Mac OS 8.6 and all the right
software already installed, its as Internet-ready as a notebook computer
can be.

The iBook is available in Tangerine and Blueberry colors.  Here are some
of the other features:

* 300Mhz PowerPC G3 Processor
* 12.1i Active Matrix Display
* 32MB Ram
* 3.2GB Hard Drive
* 56K Modem
* 10/100BT Ethernet
* 4MB SDRAM Video Memory
* Built-in 2D/3D Graphics Acceleration

ClubMac Part #is n A102 1637 (Tangerine), and A102 1638 (Blueberry)
Price n Only $1599
Reserve yours today!  iBooks will begin shipping in late September.

<>-<>-<> Wireless Networking! <>-<>-<>

What's even more exciting about the iBook is the optional AirPort card
and access point that you can buy along with it.  Just plug your phone
line (or your DSL or cable modem line) into the AirPort access point,
and plug the AirPort card into the iBook and you get true wireless
Internet connections from up to 150 feet from the AirPort access point.
You can even get wireless data transfer speeds of up to 11Mbit per
second through this wireless connection, and it can transmit easily
through walls.  Even better, you can operate up to TEN iBooks from the
same access point using a single Internet connection.

iBook AirPort Card
ClubMac Part # A100 1655
Price n Only $99

iBook AirPort Access Point
ClubMac Part # A102 1654
Price n Only $299


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