
Phenominal find! I've been seeing the same issues on my server and figured it was just remotely "misconfigured" servers, but this explains it much better. Hopefully we can figure this out.


Robert A. Pickering Jr.

"I wish developing great products was as easy as writing a check. If so, then Microsoft would have great products." - Steve Jobs

On May 18, 2007, at 11:34 AM, Andy Lee wrote:

I was looking for a good list of ip ranges to whitelist and came
across one maintained at PureMagic.

Here's the current version: whitelist_ip.txt?rev=1.16&view=markup

While going over it, I read this:

# Because error code 450 is most commonly used for a mailbox lock failure, # many sites seem to treat it as a very short duration failure, and will # retry several times within seconds, and then bounce the mail, while they
# handle a code 451 more "normally".

When I checked my mail logs, sure enough, I saw various SMTP servers
try to immediately re-send a bunch of times all within 1 second of the
first 450 reject for being greylisted! These servers looked

So I looked for a way to try changing the reject code from 450 to 451
but couldn't find it.

Ideas? Comments?

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