On Sat, 1 Sep 2007, Bokhan Artem wrote:

> With large numbers per mailer envelope (more then one) policyd thinks
> that it's error. With FAILSAVE=1 in conf such messages are rejected with
> 4xx error.
> Tobias Kreidl ?????:
>> Are there problems with a lot of invalid recipients, or just large numbers 
>> per mailer envelope?
>> In any case, in postfix, try setting these in main.cf:
>> smtpd_recipient_limit=512  (max. number per envelope)
>> smtpd_junk_command_limit=1000 (lets real addresses in envelopes get 
>> delivered to,
>>    while weeding out the bad ones).
>> This latter one got me for a long time, because we got a lot of email to old 
>> lists, so some users still existed on the system and some did not.  Let me 
>> know if that helps!
>> Cheers,
>> --Tobias
>>>>> I've got problem with legitimate deliveries. Messages with multiply
>>>>> rcpt's are not accepted by policyd
>>>>> May anybody give some workaround?

It might be necessary to increase the total number that SENDERRCPTLIMIT is 
set to compared to SENDERMSGLIMIT in the Sender Throttle section of 
policyd.conf if you regularly get large recipient envleopes (for example, 
from mailing lists). As a rule of thumb, I'd say you want something like:


In any case, with smtpd_recipient_limit and smtpd_junk_command_limit
set to reasonably high values in postfix (like 500 and 1000), we have not
seen this problem since.

Just out of curiosity, how many recipients are you seeing in your mail


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