On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 11:38:04PM +0200, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:
> Dear Tomasz,
> >   There was a patch posted two years ago, implementing socket activation
> > in manner compatible with systemd.  The patch is here:
> > 
> > https://github.com/wmanley/polipo/commit/6d0ab13bd2d421d8eb0436d8439d77c9826607cb
> >
> >   Is there a chance to have it merged?
> You're putting me in a difficult situation.  I used to be pretty
> sympathetic to the systemd effort, but the way lies and disinformation
> have been used to force it down our throats over the last years has made
> me increasingly hostile.
> On the other hand, you've written a small, clean, non-intrusive patch that
> introduces no new dependencies, and you've even managed to follow Polipo's
> coding conventions to the letter (with one minor exception).  So I can see
> no honest reason to reject your patch, nor even a dishonest excuse.

  For clarification:  I did not write the patch. William Manley did.
I find this functionality very useful, as an user.  It has no impact
on non-systemd systems.

> I'll sleep over it, and let you know.

  I'll keep my fingers crossed.

> > I would like contribute some systemd units, but I don't know what your
> > stance on it?
> I start screaming and foaming at the mouth, usually.

Tomasz Torcz                "Funeral in the morning, IDE hacking
xmpp: zdzich...@chrome.pl    in the afternoon and evening." - Alan Cox

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