I have not really studied this, but I have followed up on some 
tantalizing leads, and have always come away disillusioned.  Reports 
that sound credible when filtered through a UFO author sometimes 
sound totally off the wall when you get a more unvarnished version 
of the witness testimony, for example.  

Based on what I've seen, this is a massive psyop with many aspects.  
I think the MKULTRA crowd is interested from a Jungian angle on the 
potential for a new religion for a number of purposes - the ever 
popular mass psychosis for example.  

Secondly I think this makes a real neat tar-baby for a conspiracy 
theorist like myself - just like the 911 no-planers.  It's a nifty 
kind of reducto ad absurdum for a conspiracy monger like me. I 
really don't know how to fight it.

Re the odd response of the govt agencies - my take is that they are 
overtly "debunking" but covertly encouraging, and deliberately are 
leaving the paper trail that Dolan is writing about to keep the myth 


--- In political-research@yahoogroups.com, Sean McBride 
> Regarding the credibility of UFO reports: Richard Dolan's UFOs and 
the National Security State contains hundreds of them, and most of 
them ring true to me -- they do not have the look and feel of 
fabrications.  If you datamine them, you'll see the same patterns 
coming up repeatedly in reports from all over the world.  Where 
there is this much smoke, there is probably fire.  There is little 
sense in Dolan's survey of the evidence that any governments are in 
control of what is going on -- other than control of the cover-up 
and systematic ridicule of UFO eyewitnesses.  The real action on 
UFOs has been buried deep inside the national security state, far 
out of the view of the general public.
> So: ETs may be real AND certain parties at the highest levels of 
the national security state may also be playing ET memes in a 
manipulative way.  Or, the most disturbing scenario: the highest 
levels of  the national security state may be under the control of 
ETs.  It all sounds very crazy, I know.  But the universe may be a 
wild and crazy place.
> Now: if we were being visited by various species of ETs, with 
varying and conflicting agendas, and that are answerable to other 
parties and interests outside of our solar system whose intelligence 
vastly exceeds our own, then the conspiracy possibilities would 
break the minds of most human beings.  Might as well just go with 
the flow and pretend everything is normal.
> Albert Underwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
wrote:                                  Agree with  Sean's analysis 
of alien species, and Vigil's separation of aliens from UFOs is not 
necessarily the same phenomen. 
> Haven't read Dolan, but will check him out on amazon. 
> YOu wrote:
> >>very credible UFO sightings coming from all around the world, 
often from the most reliable of sources, and often supported by 
radar and photographic evidence. <<
> UFO sightings are often composed of 'adjectival phrases,' an 
adjective-noun usage. In above, a source is credible or not, but it 
is not more or less credible. Credibility of source is a major 
problem in MSM; to cite merely as a 'credible source' is equivalent 
of citing an unnamed source with credibility well within the sphere 
of unpredictability. 
> The radar and photo evidence are all quite capable of 
manipulation, and images are usually fuzzy, faraway, grainy, very 
> I haven't seen the source credibility in reports of UFOs to be 
able to ascertain if all  available information is used when 
conclusions are drawn. A UFO sighting reported by a 'reliable 
source' in Bumfuk, Argentina,  doesn't exactly inspire my confidence 
in the report. If the report would have said, 'the president of 
Argentina met today at noon in the town square with a representative 
of an alien race,' or similar event, I might find the report more 
believable because I know I can find corroborating reports all 
across MSM. It just hasn't happened. 
> An axiom of source credibility is that a credible source must be 
visible (identified, named).
> Source credibility is damaged by other issues. Our educational 
system is loaded with zionists; why should we expect 'the truth' 
from intellectuals and 'experts'? If they can establish themselves 
as experts with awards and degrees with ease, why would a 
single 'expert' have any more believability or credibility than the 
results of a debate between Dershowitz and Finkelstein?
> Events have believability,  credibility, and verifiability when 
observed directly. Information not observed directly is second-hand, 
and loses credibility and verifiability the further it is removed 
from it's source.
> From Invisible Enemy: 
> "Pre-propaganda promotes social disorder: crime, murders, rapes, 
robbery, and defenses of criminals over victims, and uses the legal 
system to promote ethnic and racial outrage. The Rodney King and O. 
J. Simpson trials of the 1990s are the now-classic examples of 
antisocial vehicles carrying the negative messages of race and sex. 
Equally destructive pre-propaganda are the ethnic themes of Nazi 
racial attitudes, victimization of Jews, Polish brutality and 
stupidity, Arab backwardness, violence on the part of Italians, and 
bigotry against the Irish that are regular features of print and 
cinematic media. Recognizing unfocused hatred as a spontaneous and 
common sentiment, pre-propaganda supports political propaganda each 
time it designates someone as the  source of all misery. ("Any tall 
tale will be believed once it enters into the passionate current of 
hatred…the less educated and informed people to whom propaganda of 
agitation is addressed, the easier it is to make such
>  propaganda….")15 Ellul refers to this as the propaganda of 
developed nations and characteristic of our civilization, which did 
not exist before the twentieth century. It is a propaganda of 
> Abboud cites Jacques Ellul classic Propaganda. Check this link:
> http://www.voxpublishing.com/IE/TheMassMediaIE.pdf
> Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>                              Some UFOs are probably top secret 
craft under the control of terrestrial governments and companies.  
But quite a few others have exhibited behavior that is well beyond 
the capabilities of earthly technologies, especially in the fifties 
and sixties.   See Richard Dolan.  I haven't read William Lyne.
> Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> whether we are or have been visited by  extraterrestrials is a 
separate question from the UFO phenomenon.  i think   its plain that 
these craft are top secret military industrial  atmosphere-to-space 
craft.  i think they are also powered by what tesla  
called "starlight."  has  anyone read william lyne's material?
>     ----- Original Message ----- 
>    From:    Sean    McBride 
>    To: political-research@yahoogroups.com    
>    Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2007 1:01    PM
>    Subject: Re: [political-research] Re:    MJ12, UFOs and the FBI
> I've  usually leaned to the belief (quite strongly) that the    
entire UFO meme is a psyop that, down the line, will be used to 
justify one    bit of chicanery or another by power elites against 
humanity.  But    Richard Dolan's book made me wonder -- you should 
try reading it in its    entirety.  It may be one of the most 
important conspiracy books ever to    come down the  pike.
> Dolan's focus is on infighting within the American    government --
 especially within the military and intelligence communities --    
about how to handle the flood of very credible UFO sightings coming 
from all    around the world, often from the most reliable of 
sources, and often supported    by radar and photographic 
evidence.   As Dolan tells the tale, one    senses authentic 
confusion and alarm in the government over UFOs, not a    
Machiavellian calm in foisting an elaborate hoax upon the 
public.     Apparently the government, and the CIA in particular 
(which has  been intensely    interested in UFOs from its founding), 
decided in the early 1950s to put a lid    on the UFO story for the 
public while intensively pursuing its investigation    of UFOs in 
secrecy.  The government was especially worried that letting    out 
the truth about UFOs would lead to mass hysteria and social chaos, 
once    the human race realized that its official  authorities were 
>  powerless to deal with the phenomenon.
> I would be curious to get your    take on Dolan's book.
> Theoretically, I have no problem believing that    we might be 
being visited by alien species.  The universe may be    inhabited by 
millions of life forms and civilizations that are much more    
advanced than the human race in the year 2007.  Taking into account 
the    rapid evolution of our technology during the last 100 years, 
consider what we    might be capable of in 1,000 years if we 
survive.  What about    civilizations that might be 10,000  years 
ahead of us in    development?
> According to supposedly reliable inside government sources    
(some of whom have been interviewed by Project Disclosure), we are 
being    visited by multiple species.  Are they lying?  Maybe.  
Simply    dismissing UFO stories as nonsense may be a mistake.
> Consider how the    human race has treated "lower" species  over 
its lifetime.  How might    "higher" species treat us?  As 
livestock?  Sushi?  Beasts of    burden? Lab rats?
> tim_howells_1000    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:             
>      Call me sceptical, but until I can be introduced to one of 
the      "visitors" count me out on this one.  It's a psyop all the 
way      IMO.  I notice that Dolan attributes the murder of James 
Forrestal to      the  great UFO coverup ... There just might be 
more terrestrial      interpretations for that one.
>      http://www.book-of-thoth.com/sections-viewarticle-33.html
>      Tim Howells
> --- In political-research@yahoogroups.com, Sean McBride       
<smcbride2@> wrote:
> >
> > Sent to you by Sean      McBride via Google Reader: *MJ12*, 
*UFOs* and the
> > FBI via Google      Blog Search: Majestic-12 OR MJ-12 UFO OR 
UFOs by unknown
> > on Apr 29,      2007 Amazingly, next month will mark the 20th 
anniversary of
> > the      first public airing (in Timothy GoodâEURO(tm)s book 
Above Top Secret)      of
> > the so-called MJ12 documents that captured the imagination      
> > attention of the entire ufological field for ...
> > Things      you can do from here:
> > - Visit the original item on  Google Blog      Search: Majestic-
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