"static get template()" creates the HTML block that in Polymer 2 was 
between the outermost <template> tag of the <dom-module>. It is designed to 
take display properties in [[]] (one-way binding) and {{}} (two-way 

Although I started with <template> in Polymer 0.8 and through v2, I find 
LitElement's approach a lot simpler to grasp.

On Sunday, January 27, 2019 at 9:13:26 PM UTC-5, Damien Golding wrote:
> Thanks for the fast reply.
> I am using Polymer 3. I will look into LitElement more, I am just trying 
> to be able to use Polymer enough to use with my other projects just in case.
> The $ worked well. The LitElement way sounds a lot better.
> Do you know how the get template Polymer function works? It is a little 
> confusing that a variable can not be used. Why is this?
> I just joined the Slack channel. Thanks.
> On Monday, January 28, 2019 at 10:27:50 AM UTC+9, Thad Humphries wrote:
>> What are you using? Polymer 2, 3, or LitElement (I strongly urge the 
>> latter).
>> If Polymer, you can access an element with const elem = 
>> this.$.[dom_id]....
>> If LitElement, you access an element with const elem = 
>> this.shadowRoot.getElementById('[dom_id]') or any querySelector() wish.
>> Once you have access to an item in your element, say a <div>, you can 
>> const child = document.createElement('some-element'); // anything you wish
>> elem.appendChild(child);
>> If you are working with Polymer or LitElement, I urge you to join the 
>> Polymer Slack channel. Almost no one checks here.
>> On Sunday, January 27, 2019 at 8:12:56 PM UTC-5, Damien Golding wrote:
>>> I am trying to make a web component that can change the html later.
>>> I tried using the get template method but when I used a variable, it did 
>>> not work. It only worked when using a string. The same happened when not 
>>> using the html template function and instead just creating my own template 
>>> element.
>>> What causes this to happen?
>>> What is the best practice?
>>> Additionally, I would like to have a reference to the element so I can 
>>> do element.querySelector(subElement). Is the below really the best way to 
>>> achieve this?
>>> https://stackoverflow.com/a/43007027/1764521

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