Thanks for your comments. I'm replying to your comments about memory
size separately since that applies as much to Unix as to Windows.
Robert Roessler wrote:
The 2 errors are just from using the newer dev environment: the _osver
variable is no longer available. So, the 2 usages (line 1434 in
basicio.cpp and line 168 in process_env.cpp) need to change. As a
minimal change, I would suggest
if (_osver & 0x8000) => if (GetVersion() & 0x80000000)
as something that will still work in older and newer environments.
Thanks, I've made that change. You can test it in SVN (I use
TortoiseSVN on Windows). Actually, the test for _osver was just to
provide compatibility with Win 95/98/Me and that's probably no longer
I built all 4 of the pre-defined targets - the only one that appeared
seriously slow was the "IntDebug". ;)
Well, as I'm sure you realised, this builds the version of Poly/ML that
interprets a byte-code rather than using native machine code and builds
the interpreter without optimisation. So...
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