On Thu, 4 Feb 2016, Artella Coding wrote:

Now I can debug /src/Tools/SML/factorial.sml with the debugger stopping in
the factorial function everytime I make a change to the file.

A change usually means that the relevant parts are re-compiled and re-executed, but it is easier to think of both just as "evaluation". Poly/ML acts more like a statically typed LISP system in this respect.

In contrast, debugging means you interact with a running evaluation process, without changing anything (neither the source nor the meaning of the running program).

If I untick the "Continuous checking" in the "Theories" tab, upon changing the factorial.sml file, the debugger no longer gets activated. How do I manually compile and run the factorial.sml file, when the "Continuous checking" box is unticked?

The Prover IDE has no mode to do things "manually". Continuous checking needs to be enabled to bring new sources and changes into the system. That is relevant for evaluation of new material.

The debugger does work without continuous checking on an already running programm. I've checked this again in the implementation and by some experiments.

I don't think that non-continuous mode is very relevant for actual debugging. It is more important when composing large ML modules, while still thinking about the problem and not checking anything yet.


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