On Thu, Nov 24, 2005 at 07:17:54PM +1100, the unit calling itself Ian McWilliam 
> >
> >Perhaps some fwd progress... got cert & key files installed, but I am
> >bombing during the authentication process. Following is part of the
> >debug output from my client. I double-checked the password value, and
> >it's correct (changed here, but my client's log shows it correctly).
> >
> >The culprit seems to be the "group not found" error... WTF, O??
> >
> >23:17:13.312 << 0009 USER jm\0D\0A
> >23:17:13.359 >> 0005 +OK\0D\0A
> >23:17:13.359 << 0017 PASS abcdefghij\0D\0A
> >23:17:13.500 >> 0033 -ERR [SYS/TEMP] group not found\0D\0A
> >23:17:20.718 << 0006 QUIT\0D\0A
> >23:17:20.718 18: SSL read error -41 (locus 0, type 0, code 0, 'No data
> >was read because the remote system closed the connection (recv() ==  
> >0)')
> >--- Connection closed normally at Wed, 23 Nov 2005 23:17:20. ---
> >
> OK, It looks like the port needs some work as it doesn't handle the  
> default group name.
> main.c:# define DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME "mail"
> It appears that this can be changed with a command line arg.

It can - that's how I finally got it to work. According to man akpop3d, 
-g groupID does it. (and apparently I'm confused - I thought group ID 
was the number, but akpop3d wants the group name, ... whatever)

> main.c:      case 'g': group_name = optarg; break;
> It looks like the groupname is used as an argument to lock the users  
> mail box.
> pop3_session.c.orig:  g_inf = getgrnam("mail");
> pop3_session.c.orig:  if (g_inf==NULL) {
> pop3_session.c.orig:  if (setegid(g_inf->gr_gid)!=0 && real_username 
> [0] == 0) {
> pop3_session.c.orig:    syslog(LOG_ERR,"%s: %u: %s","setegid()  
> failed",g_inf->gr_gid,strerror(errno));
> pop3_session.c.orig:  if (setgid(g_inf->gr_gid)!=0 && real_username 
> [0] == 0) {
> pop3_session.c.orig:    syslog(LOG_ERR,"%s: %u: %s","setgid()  
> failed",g_inf->gr_gid,strerror(errno));
> pop3_session.c.orig:  if ((rc=lock_maildrop(maildrop,u_inf- 
> >pw_uid,g_inf->gr_gid))<=0)
> yup, it then fchowns the lock file
> lock_maildrop.c: fchown(fd,uid,gid);
> So I would assume  on other unix systems /var/mail is group mail by  
> default, maybe??.

That may be... I checked a FreeBSD and a Linux (Fedora) box - both 
listed "mail" as the group for /var/mail. So OpenBSD would appear to be 
in a minority position.

> if you want to add  mail  to the /etc/group file
> man -k groupadd
> groupadd (8) - add a group to the system

I thought about this, but wouldn't you actually have to change group 
ownership of /var/mail to group "mail" for this to make any difference? 
And if you did this, wouldn't you risk breaking something else?

Thanks for the insight,

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