Here's the updated port for Node 16.3.2 that was released yesterday.

It fixes



On 1/10/22 00:17, Volker Schlecht wrote:
The attached archive contains my first attempt at updating lang/node to the currently active LTS version of NodeJS. Support for NodeJS 12.x will
end in April 2022.

I changed the port from the bundled versions of libuv, c-ares, nghttp2, zlib, brotli, icu and openssl to the versions in ports.

To build v8, I adapted the v8 patches I needed to make the build work from www/chromium to the v8 version bundled with node ... robert@, could you maybe have a look if those make sense?

The port builds an runs fine for me on amd64, but unfortunately I don't have access to another platform to run the build on.

Could anyone please review? Thanks!


Attachment: node16-port.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

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