Nam Nguyen writes:

> Two diffs are attached, incorporating feedback from espie@ sthen@ and
> naddy@. Feedback is welcome. OK?
> 1. rsync_stable.diff: intended for -stable. brings bundled zlib from
>    rsync 3.2.4 to 3.2.3 with this commit:

> 2. rsync.diff:
> - --enable-md5-asm (from naddy@ to retain
>     checking whether to enable MD5 ASM optimizations... yes (x86_64))
> - --with-nobody-user=_rsync
> - install rrsync(1) man page. If --with-rrsync is used to build and
>   install the man page, it introduces python3 as a dependency to run
>   ${WRKSRC}/md-convert script. Drawback: rrsync(1) prints 3.2.4pre4
> - remove compat.c (fixed)
> - remove (use --with-nobody-user=_rsync instead)
> - remove receiver.c (upstreamed)
> - rsync(1) patch: churn
> - rsyncd.conf patch: add missing ${PREFIX}/bin and remove ${SYSCONFDIR}
>   bits
> - rrsync patch: churn and moves from perl to python3

rsync_stable.diff is the same.

Here is a fresh rsync.diff that additionally:
- --with-rrsync and brings in python as BUILD_DEPENDS (not RUN_DEPENDS)
    and textproc/py-commonmark, needed to run
    ${WRKSRC}/md-convert. md-convert converts --> rsync.1, so
    remove patches for man pages and patch markdown files instead.
- remove rsyncd.conf.5 from ${SUBST_CMD} as /usr/local/bin correctly
  appears in man page.
- --enable-md5-asm only on amd64, as configure check fails on other

> I plan to do the following soon (these don't have to hold up the
> update):
> - add zstd flavor
> - port py-braceexpand for better rrsync support

Attachment: rsync.diff
Description: rsync.diff

Attachment: rsync_stable.diff
Description: rsync_stable.diff

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