After several years of maintaining Elastic stack on OpenBSD I'm going to
drop it.

Ports list:

- sysutils/beats
    outdated, v7.10.2; last tested v8.2.2, can be kept up-to-date

- sysutils/logstash
    outdated, v7.10.0, can be kept up-to-date

- textproc/elasticsearch
    outdated, v7.10.0; last tested v8.2.2, (hopefully) can be kept up-to-date

- www/kibana
    outdated, v7.10.0; last tried v8.2.2 - didn't and won't work

I see several problems with ELK ports:

1) after Elastic dropped OSS versions, they integrated the non-free part
previously known as X-Pack so tight, that e.g. Kibana won't start without
ML plugins which never worked on OpenBSD anyway (these are Linux/OSX-specific);

2) Elastic license:
--- cut ---
You may not move, change, disable, or circumvent the license key functionality
in the software, and you may not remove or obscure any functionality in the
software that is protected by the license key.
--- end cut ---

Well, I had to remove the functionality which is protected by the license key
(ML features) to make it work on OpenBSD.

So, the long story short: maintaining ELK on OpenBSD is a pain, testing all
components requires significant efforts/resources, and since OpenBSD is not
in the list of platforms supported by Elastic, I don't feel the squeeze worth
the juice. 

I'm looking for comments/suggestions, if any.

With best regards,
Pavel Korovin

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