
sh+openbsd-po...@codevoid.de (Stefan Hagen), 2023.02.10 (Fri) 19:28 (CET):
> here is a command line signal client. It's lacking a lot of features,
> but basic text send/receive functionality is there.

for me the client quits upon receiving messages, reliably.

2023-02-11T15:50:33.433155Z ERROR panic: thread 'main' panicked at
        'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Error { kind:
        Uncategorized, message: "no current exe available (short)" }':
        /usr/ports/pobj/gurk-rs-0.3.0/gurk-rs-0.3.0/modcargo-crates/ \

> The contact sync doesn't work for me. But I can see and message in
> conversations initiated after gurk-rs is linked.
> I hope the situation will improve. But this client is much better than 
> having no client at all.

it would be so handy. thanks for your work!

> Some hints:
> - this is rust, so build with "MAKE_JOBS=8 make", or something.

compile and install worked, I understand you comment now.

> - F1 shows the key bindings and they're not configurable
> - gurk -v(vv) starts verbose mode writes to gurk.log
        Signal Messenger client for the terminal written in Rust.

While beeing completely right it does not tell that it is a Text User
Interface (TUI). Maybe steeli^Wtaking a bit from tut(1)'s description?

        TUI for Mastodon with vim inspired keys
        Signal Messenger client TUI with strange key bindings


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