
Thanks for this!

On Wed, May 22, 2024 at 03:22:22PM +0200, Laurent Cheylus wrote:
> - modify CONFIGURE_ARGS for LUV* variables (changes in version 0.10.0)
> - remove termkey in WANTLIB and LIB_DEPENDS (termkey now bundled in Neovim 
> sources)

Is this what we want? I know libtermkey is deprecated, but we have one other
port (editors/vis) consuming it, and they may as well share the dep?

> Build and tests OK on current/amd64.

Besides the known failures, I've got this additional one:
>From test_breakindent.vim:
Found errors in Test_linebreak_list():
no parser for 'vimdoc' language, see :help treesitter-parsersstack

If you run `:help treesitter-parserstack` you get:
E149: Sorry, no help for treesitter-parsersstack

Do we need to enable something in our treesitter port perhaps?

port-lib-depends-check says:
Missing lib: msgpackc.2 (/usr/local/bin/nvim) (NOT REACHABLE)
Extra:  msgpack-c.0

Which confuses me, since devel/msgpack provides it, and we depend on it.

Is it possible we are accidentally using a bundled one or something?

Your treesitter and libvterm updates look good to me.

Best Regards
Edd Barrett


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