On 2024/05/22 12:43, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> I intend to drop php/7.4 and php/8.0 soon (both are out of security
> support). The following ports/subpackages are setup to use 7.4 at the
> moment, if anyone's interested in them could you take a look at updating
> or patching to support 8.1+ please?
> databases/pgfouine (pea@)

from the port:

# XXX likely to be broken with php>=5; version in PORTROACH site may work
PORTROACH =     site:https://github.com/milo/pgFouine/archive/
SITES =         

That github repo is titled "pgFouine fixed for PHP 7" and has seen
no commit since Feb 2018.

OK to remove?

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