On 2024/05/29 21:55, Kirill Bychkov wrote:
> On Wed, May 22, 2024 14:43, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> > I intend to drop php/7.4 and php/8.0 soon (both are out of security
> > support). The following ports/subpackages are setup to use 7.4 at the
> > moment, if anyone's interested in them could you take a look at updating
> > or patching to support 8.1+ please?
> >
> > databases/pg_stats_reporter (see 
> > https://github.com/ossc-db/pg_stats_reporter)
> > databases/pgfouine (pea@)
> > devel/boris (long dead upstream)
> > misc/gpsd,-php (is anyone using the php part? does it already work?)
> > www/phppgadmin (pea@, upstream doesn't seem very alive)
> > www/phpvirtualbox (aja@, last upstream commit Jan 2021)
> > www/pnp4nagios,-cgi (kirby@, still active upstream)
> Hi!
> I've found an active fork but it seems no other distro uses it.
> All stuck on original 0.6.26 according to repology.
> Attached is a diff which needs testing (can't do it right now, sorry)
> Will try to configure icinga2 for testing till the end of this week.

Hi, thanks Kirill :)

I think you'll need the v0.6.27-5 tag for some additional fixes;

There's a proper uploaded tar at
so probably better to use that instead of the git-archive tarball e.g.

V= 0.6.27-5
PKGNAME= pnp4nagios-${V:S/-/pl/}
DISTNAME= pnp4nagios-${V}
SITES= https://github.com/pnp4nagios/pnp4nagios/releases/download/v${V}/

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