On Wed, Aug 08, 2007 at 11:47:56AM -0400, Peter Thoenen wrote:
>I hate to call Rui out in public but he is the maintainer here and very
>non responsive to private emails about this.
>Tor 1.1.x has BEEN DEPRECIATED from before the time 4.1 STABLE was
>released (you were notified of this also Rui) and all version earlier
>than 1.2.15 suffer a remote code exploitation which has been proven in
>the wild already with technical details to be released to the public in
>two week per the developers.  The developers announced all users should
>update immediately yet still not seeing this port updated in stable when
>I csup.  Can you (Rui) update this port finally as it would count as a
>security update or you just going to hang out and continue to be a
>subpar maintainer.  If you don't want to maintain your own port then let
>me know and I or somebody else can do it but this is ridiculous.  You
>missed the last couple stable releases and when informed of it you were
>like "what the f*ck do I care ... OBSD isn't about the latest and
>greatest.  Compile it yourself".  Well now we have a serious remote code
>issue and a depreciated non-supported (in the current tor directory
>services) package in OBSD ... is this a big enough issue to get you to care?
>NOTE: I am pretty indifferent if it is fixed in CURRENT.  This is a
>remote code exploit and I am pretty sure security patches are merged
>into stable's port tree considering I see updates to it at least weekly.

I agree with you on this -current/-stable thingy. This ports tree
soft locking shit *how we care about -stable users* is bullshit,
when outdated/security vulnerable stuff is even in -current and
it takes ages to backport and make packages of needed security updates...
I see there no logic, since developers are on -current anyway and they
don't care about stable users really...

>Sorry to be an ass Rui but with maintenance comes responsibility.

Can't agree on this, since Rui has been very responsive when I sent him
secunia link about flaw. He is not ignorant one ;]
And tor update has been commited in 4.1 branch too. However
there are another ports which aren't updated.


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