On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 5:09 PM, Marco Peereboom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But we are better than this.  Since when is it ok that pkg_add -ui screws
> up?  Are we turning into debian?

i relate, as I'm sure others (maybe not many) do as well.

> I'll let it rest though since it seems that no one gives a shit; why
> should I care?

because, if you don't speak up no one will think there is anything wrong.

I spoke up about cramming crap-load of needless dependencies into
ports w/o giving the end user a choice in the matter (e.g., building
gimp with python, etc.). I don't think it got me anywhere, but at
least i voiced my opinion. my voice doesn't carry much weight, but I
was hoping that logic would.

It is one thing to make sure software available on linux platforms are
able to install and work on OpenBSD. It is completely another issue to
morph OpenBSD into linux with each package install.


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