On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 7:13 PM, Jacob Meuser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> mozilla is no longer maintaining mozilla.  take your bitches to them.
> unless you are going to maintain mozilla 2.x branch, of course.

I wasn't the original person "bitching" about ff2/ff3. and, you seem
to have missed the point made by another user, who pointed out the
fact there are many ports that are no longer maintained upstream that
happily exist in ports.

>> I spoke up about cramming crap-load of needless dependencies into
>> ports w/o giving the end user a choice in the matter (e.g., building
>> gimp with python, etc.). I don't think it got me anywhere, but at
>> least i voiced my opinion. my voice doesn't carry much weight, but I
>> was hoping that logic would.
>> It is one thing to make sure software available on linux platforms are
>> able to install and work on OpenBSD. It is completely another issue to
>> morph OpenBSD into linux with each package install.
> now you are volunteering to maintain all ports?
> wow, you must have a lot of free time.

What the hell does that even mean? It's the third time you've said
that in this thread alone: "are you going to maintain it?" Having a
passive-aggressive moment are we? Can't counter logic so unless you
have it your way you threaten "to take your toys and leave the

I've already accepted the explanation of build-time for packages for
not having FLAVORS for gimp, etc. It is how it is. But, there is no
good excuse for you to lash out and throw a hissy fit because someone
said something you don't agree with; especially when they have a valid


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