On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 09:11:15PM +0000, Edd Barrett wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 02:06:29PM +0000, Owain Ainsworth wrote:
> > I can theoretically do sparc64, but it'll take a day or two.
> I have a sparc64 build on the go. Will probably take all night.

Hello from sparc64

Well it builds and runs, but there is something bad with the graphics card
or driver. I see the intro animation with a red tint, then where the menu 
should be just a pure red screen (apart from the black border). 

I have seen such behavior before (where the colours are wrong) withs links+
in graphical mode (sparc64 only). Funny, because the window manager and 
firefox have correct colours.

Again, not a tremendously useful bug report, and is likely to be unrelated
to openarena. More likely xorg.conf is wrong. I am using the unaccelerated
display from /usr/X11R6/README, with one change, DefaultDepth 24.

My framebuffer would be too slow to run this anyway.


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