hi there,

i follow ports quite a bit but i can't recall big debates
when a category was to be scratched or created...

i know this category system is never going to be perfect,
not everything fits into a box, or some things fit into
several boxen.

i was trying out the dejavu-fonts port sent here to the list
and i was--not for the first time--surprised and annoyed
that there is no /usr/ports/fonts

i can see a kind of logic for putting fonts into x11 but
strangely it is one of the last places where i would look
for a font. a constant source of frustration whenever i reinstall
my system and start looking for e.g. msttcorefonts.

some might argue that fonts need a visual system and that's why
they are in x11.  but there are miriads of tools now that break
this premise starting with gd, rrdtools, and so on.  fonts
have nothing more to do with x11 than say all the audio software
written for x11 yet they are still in audio.

can someone send please legitimate, rational reasons why
creating fonts is a bad idea?  thank you.

i plan to live forever or die trying.

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