Edd Barrett <vex...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 02:31:11AM -0500, punoseva...@gmail.com wrote:
> > My second question is regarding run dependencies. Namely program
> > requires lynx, perl, and tex to run. Obviously I am listing tex
> > but should I list lynx and perl since they are part of the base?
> What are you porting?
> -- 
> Best Regards
> Edd Barrett
> (Freelance software developer / technical writer / open-source developer)
> http://students.dec.bmth.ac.uk/ebarrett
I am trying to port chktex to OpenBSD.

It is a very similar program to lacheck which is part of TeXLive 
but in my point of view ChkTeX is little bit more clever and
much more configurable. Lyx people prefer it over lacheck and I think
auctex people as well. I am having all sorts of problems.
The original author who is Norwegian have disappeared many years ago.
The thing is now maintained by Debian people.
Program is originally written in 1996. It turns out that license
is really messy since the guy tried to make money out of it and when
failed he put GPL. I am not going to allow package to be build
for this crap and have Theo on my neck. You saw that I am having 
problems with compiler. I also 
can not find the location of the documentation. It seems that there is
a bug in installation script so the man pages never get installed anywhere.
I will patch the damn thing but I have to find firstly from Debian people
what they did with the bug. NetBSD does have a port so I might talk to
them as well.

Anyhow. I will have it ready when the ports get unfrozen. I will Resubmit 
SIC (IRC) client which never got committed and I will submit menumaker.
I also have updated version of mailx 12.4 (nail) which I got from port 
maintainer for testing and I promised I will submit it.

I got an older SUN machine which I am going to use just for building 
packages. I was supposed to get an O2 SGI but the guy never showed up.


P.S. Do you have commit privileges at least for ports three?

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