* Toni Mueller <openbsd-po...@oeko.net> [090302 06:51]:
> Hi,
> On Tue, 10.02.2009 at 20:55:08 -0500, b...@openbsd.rutgers.edu 
> <b...@openbsd.rutgers.edu> wrote:
> > > Yeah.  We can try sending a diff upstream to get them to use safe string
> > > functions, but otherwise... they will probably stay as is.
> doing that seems to be a good idea.
> > > I think it should also do @newuser/@newgroup instead of using 'nobody'.
> Yes. I suggest using either one of _www, _proxy, or _varnish as a
> username.
> > > Jim also noted that kqueue doesn't work, and he's right.  I'm looking
> > > into that, as well...
> That sounds nice, too!
> > Don't let the above be misconstrued... it works as is, it's just not as
> > efficient as it could be.
> I can't confirm this. Running varnish 2.0.3 on a 4.4/amd64 system like this:
> # /usr/local/sbin/varnishd -d -f /etc/varnish/test.vcl -g www -n proxy_1 -P 
> /var/run/varnish/proxy_1.pid -u www -s file,/var/varnish/proxy_1_data,100m

add this:  -p send_timeout=327

> with this config file /etc/varnish/test.vcl:
> ----------------------------------------------
> backend c1 {
>   .host = "";
>   .port = "8080";
> }
> sub vcl_recv {
>   set req.backend = c1;
> }
> ----------------------------------------------
> yields an endless stream of error messages after giving the 'start'
> command on the management console:
> ------------------------------------------------
> child (3620) Started
> Child (3620) said Closed fds: 6 7 12 13 15 16
> Child (3620) said Child starts
> Child (3620) said managed to mmap 104857600 bytes of 104857600
> Child (3620) said Ready
> Child (3620) died signal=6
> Child (3620) Panic message: Assert error in vca_acct(),
> cache_acceptor.c line 191: Condition((setsockopt(ls->sock, 0xffff, 0x1005, 
> &tv_sndtimeo, sizeof tv_sndtimeo)) == 0) not true.  errno = 33 (Numerical 
> argument out of domain)  thread = (cache-acceptor)
> Child cleanup complete
> ------------------------------------------------
> This is on 4.4/amd64 with an MP kernel, on a QC CPU.
> I didn't yet have enough time to dig into the C code yet, though it
> could well be a user error at this point. I am also very unhappy about
> their statement in http://varnish.projects.linpro.no/ticket/272, and
> consider ways to solve this issue.
> Kind regards,
> --Toni++

Polling works just fine.  Other than changing the socket option via the
command line parameter I noted, varnishd works just fine.


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