> >> # env FLAVOR=mysql make package
> >> Fatal: Unknown flavor: mysql (in www/php5/extensions)
> >>   (Possible flavors are: no_x11 no_bz2 no_curl no_dba no_dbase no_gd
> >> no_gmp no_imap no_ldap no_mbstring no_mcrypt no_mhash no_mysql no_mysqli
> >> no_ncurses no_odbc no_pdo_mysql no_pdo_pgsql no_pdo_sqlite no_pgsql
> >> no_pspell no_shmop no_soap no_snmp no_sqlite no_sybase_ct no_xmlrpc no_xsl
> >> no_suhosin). (in www/php5/extensions)
> >>
> >>
> >> Would this mean that I would have to give it all of the packages I dont
> >> want so that it understands I only need mysql?


> >> It just seems there is a better way,,?

OpenBSD's ports system is geared around building packages, for this it's
better to have the default build everything and then split it at package
creation time.

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