On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 03:25:29PM -0500, Marco Peereboom wrote:
> I understand the push to get newer code in and getting things fixed as
> we go however webkit 1.4 seems to be a little more broken than we'd
> like.  These are the issues I have currently run into:

Fun, you were usually the one pushing to have new unstable versions from
the 1.3.x series :)

> * copy/paste functionality broken between xterm and webkit
> * copy link location broken between xterm and webkit
> * user name / password window shows up at 0,0 instead of centered in app
>   on correct screen
> * after entering a username and password the load basically stalls and
>   webkit sits there forever waiting for something to happen that will
>   never complete; one has to reload the page before it finishes

As i told marco on icb, i've never experienced those issues... so we'd
like to know if others see that too, with which browser/wm, if they have
a specific clipboard manager running, which arch, etc...

> * several "new" crashes

How precise bug report :)


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