On Mon, 23 May 2011, Landry Breuil wrote:

> On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 03:25:29PM -0500, Marco Peereboom wrote:
> > I understand the push to get newer code in and getting things fixed as
> > we go however webkit 1.4 seems to be a little more broken than we'd
> > like.  These are the issues I have currently run into:
> Fun, you were usually the one pushing to have new unstable versions from
> the 1.3.x series :)

And again, we got 0 feedbacks when we posted the update on ports@ for 
review and testing.

> > * copy/paste functionality broken between xterm and webkit
> > * copy link location broken between xterm and webkit
> > * user name / password window shows up at 0,0 instead of centered in app
> >   on correct screen
> > * after entering a username and password the load basically stalls and
> >   webkit sits there forever waiting for something to happen that will
> >   never complete; one has to reload the page before it finishes
> As i told marco on icb, i've never experienced those issues... so we'd
> like to know if others see that too, with which browser/wm, if they have
> a specific clipboard manager running, which arch, etc...

Same here, I'm using epiphany as my daily browser without seeing any of 
these issues.
Marco could you provide us some way to reproduce what you are seeing.


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