Sorry. Last paragraph were supposed to read

"The ideal solution would be to have A PORT/PACKAGE version OF
vlc-0.8.6i co-existing with newer versions IN PORTS/PACKAGES until the
VideoLAN folks finally got netsync working"

or something like that..

On Mon, Jan 02, 2012 at 08:12:48AM +0100, Erling Westenvik wrote:
> I'm looking for a way to get vlc-0.8.6i (code name "Janus" and which was
> in ports/packages on OpenBSD 4.7) running on OpenBSD 5.0.  AFAIK 0.8.6
> was the last/only version of vlc that truly honored the boasted netsync
> option. At least it worked for me and I have been able to have several
> machines in different rooms playing music in acceptable sync with each
> other.
> I attempted to compile 0.8.6 from source on OpenBSD 4.9 but gave up due
> to all kinds of compilation errors. I've learned a couple of things
> since then but would appreciate it if someone had any ideas, advice or
> alternative solutions.
> The ideal solution would be to have version vlc-0.8.6i co-existing with
> newer versions until the VideoLAN folks finally got netsync working. Who
> do I have to ... pay to get such a thing done?
> Cheers,
> Erling

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