On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 01:31:28PM +0100, Stuart Henderson wrote:

> a few comments from reading;
> - bitbucket distfiles seem to be dynamically generated and can change at
> random moments, so they need mirroring

For the time being, I've mirrored this. I hope that in the future this will
turn out not be necessary.

> - release-1.8.tar.bz2 is not a good distfile name, either rename it if
> mirroring, or use DIST_SUBDIR


> - don't hardcode python2.7 version numbers / binary name / etc, use
> MODULES=lang/python and ${MODPY_BIN}, ${MODPY_VERSION} etc. If pypy
> requires 2.7 then you can force MODPY_VERSION=2.7 in the Makefile but the
> other instances should use the variables.

I more-or-less agree. PyPy can compile with 2.6 or 2.7, but it's easiest to
set MODPY_VERSION to 2.7 (so that someone doesn't try and use 2.5 or 3.*).

[Note that the PLIST intentionally hardcores 2.7 in, as that's the version
that PyPy is emulating - it's separate from the version used to build it.]

> - USE_GMAKE=yes not BUILD_DEPENDS on gmake, use "${MAKE_PROGRAM}" rather
> than hardcoding gmake in do-build


An updated version is available via git:


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The Converge programming language                      http://convergepl.org/
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