On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 03:14:32PM +0000, Christian Weisgerber wrote:

>> To build PyPy, you will need a fair bit of RAM (8Gb is definitely safe;
>> 6Gb is probably safe). [...] I have only been able to test PyPy on amd64;
>> i386 should work
> Should it?  Despite the 2 GB data size limit on i386?

Ye gods, I didn't know that limit was still in place. It's a long time since
I ran i386.

I doubt PyPy will translate in 2Gb using CPython to build it. PyPy can be
made to run in a low memory mode that would probably squeeze translation into
under 2Gb on i386, but it would need a PyPy binary first. Bootstrapping from
another platform is probably doable, if someone's determined enough.

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