On Tue, Jul 03, 2012 at 12:53:53PM -0500, Chris Bennett wrote:
> Is it actually a Beta version??
> I didn't check. I will take a better look.
> man packages-specs also says:
> The last part may contain an extra suffix matching rc[N],
> beta[N], pre[N], or pl[N], with N an optional number.  These
> correspond to traditional notations for `release candidate',
> `beta version', `pre-release', `patch-level', and are
> ordered accordingly, e.g., beta is oldest, rc and pre are next
> (and non-comparable to one another), then normal version,
> and finally pl.
> Chris Bennett

I checked, it is a beta.


libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Underbit Technologies, Inc.

$Id: CHANGES,v 1.14 2004/02/17 02:02:03 rob Exp $


Version 0.15.1 (beta)

* Updated to autoconf 2.59, automake 1.8.2, libtool 1.5.2.

* Replaced Layer III IMDCT routine with one based on a faster
* algorithm,
improving both speed and accuracy.

* Improved portability of the Huffman table
* initialization.

* Fixed a problem that could result in an assertion
* failure in layer3.c
due to an invalid Layer III free format bitrate.

* Improved the robustness of Layer II bitrate/mode
* combinations, and added
a new MAD_ERROR_BADMODE error enum. The
allowability of low-bitrate
stereo streams is influenced by the
--enable-strict-iso option to

Chris Bennett

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