A port of MegaGlest ist attached. It requires the libircclient
port which I just sent separately.

The DESCR blurb says:

  MegaGlest is an entertaining free and open source cross-platform 3D
  real-time strategy game, where you control the armies of one of seven
  different factions: Tech, Magic, Egypt, Indians, Norsemen, Persian or
  Romans. The game is set in one of 17 naturally looking settings,
  which are crafted with great appreciation for detail.

Tested on amd64 and i386.

It runs very well for me on amd64, using a quad-core phenom with
an r600 radeon card.

An x60s thinkpad isn't beefy enough to run the i386 version smoothly,
and on the x60s the game also crashes in glBindBuffer() unless I set
LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE in the environment (i.e. this prevents the crash
but makes the game entirely unusable).

So this game will only work with specific hardware.

I've split the port into two packages, one package for the game
itself, and a much larger package (about 270MB) for game data.

While redistribution is entirely possible from a licence perspective
I'm not sure if we want to hook this to the build by default, given
its size and limited hardware combinations it will run on.
But I'd like to commit the port to CVS in any case.

Attachment: megaglest.tar.gz
Description: application/tar-gz

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