[Sorry for another top-posting. Already the last mail I intended to not 
top-post but my phone does not allow anything else and I can not reach any 
computer with decent client at the moment]

Is there a chans this slow behavior is leading to crashes in old equipment with 
little CPU and 1Gb of RAM? I almost always notice this slowing down before it 

-------- Original message --------
From: Stuart Henderson <st...@openbsd.org> 
Date: 22/07/2013  10:20  (GMT+02:00) 
To: Lars Engblom <lars.engb...@kimitotelefon.fi> 
Cc: Landry Breuil <lan...@rhaalovely.net>,ports@openbsd.org 
Subject: Re: Firefox and the ports tree LOCKED 
[quoting reformatted. there are times when top-posting makes sense but
this is not one of them]

> -------- Original message --------
> From: Landry Breuil <lan...@rhaalovely.net> 
> - gfx issues with pictures are known and have been discussed here, try
>   the various workarounds devised in the archives. (about:config
> gfx.xrender.enabled, layers.acceleration.enabled,
> MOZ_DISABLE_IMAGE_OPTIMIZE=1 in the env... see
> http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-ports&m=136560946723949&w=2)

On 2013/07/22 10:01, Lars Engblom wrote:
> Then I was right regarding how well known the bugs are.  As you
> wrote, there are even known workarounds.

This is not for crashes, it's for slow behaviour processing images
(especially browser-scaled images).

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