On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 09:24:47AM -0700, patrick keshishian wrote:
> > Anybody new to OpenBSD will either not report bugs in which case we don't
> > know about them or their problems, or be told in the gentle OpenBSD way to
> > RTFML.
> Since you bring it up... /or/ when a problem gets reported, even with
> great detail, it goes ignored.
> it's a crapshoot.
> at least be honest about the reality of things.

that's definitely not true.  Problems don't necessarily get discussed
further on public mailing-lists, but they're definitely noticed, and looked

Some problems don't get solved, or don't get solved instantly. There are
not that many openbsd developers, and so much crappy software to port out

but problems don't get ignored.

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