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Hi ports@,

I have a preliminary port of the Tor browser working under
OpenBSD-current (only amd64 tested so far).  It is far from being to
the point where I would propose its inclusion in ports and anyway it
isn't time for that right now.

However, it *is* to the point where other interested people could
pitch in if they were so inclined.  I have written a short piece on
what I've done so far with some background on the Tor browser:


The rest of the parts of the Tor Browser Bundle (TBB) are Firefox
add-ons (except for Tor itself, which is already in ports and upon
which my nascent port R-deps).  I'm still unsure how to go about
packaging add-ons for ports, if that is even possible; I see some FF
plugins in ports but no add-ons.  I'm not totally sure it even makes
sense.  It probably makes more sense to integrate the add-ons that are
required into the tor-browser port somehow... this is really where I
could use some help from more experienced ports/FF people, although of
course I would also like any other kind of help (testing would be
nice, esp. on architectures other than amd64).

In doing this I've started to dive into the Mozilla source again,
after more than a decade of not looking at it.  I've been doing so
mainly from a Tor perspective, looking at the things they've deemed
necessary to patch and in the process looking at code that's nearby,
the crazy multiple build systems, the bugs that languish for years...
I'm beginning to feel compelled to do *something* in there, but I'm
really not sure what.  If it wasn't for the Tor browser I'd be more
inclined to just ditch Mozilla entirely in favor of something simpler
but sadly there are good reasons not to.

I am greatly heartened by tedu's announcement on improving browser
security and can only say: by Grabthar's hammer, I'm in.  If there is
any way I can pitch in there I will happily do so.  In the meantime
I'm going to grit my teeth and somehow get TBB working at least as
well under OpenBSD as it does under those other OSes, warts and all.
Anyone else who's interested please drop me a line.

Pax, -A
- --
att...@stalphonsos.com | http://trac.haqistan.net/~attila
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