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Stuart Henderson <st...@openbsd.org> writes:

> On 2015/03/15 20:54, Landry Breuil wrote:
>> On Sat, Mar 14, 2015 at 11:04:45AM -0600, attila wrote:
>> > 
>> > Stuart Henderson <st...@openbsd.org> writes:
>> > 
>> > > On 2015/03/14 07:25, Jiri B wrote:
>> > >> Couldn't this be a flavor of (your cloned) firefox-esr in the beginning?
>> > >
>> > > That will likely get in the way of people updating firefox-esr..
>> > 
>> > Perhaps I could truly automate the generation of patches in a way that
>> > would simplify this.  Of course there can always be some issue that
>> > involves manual intervention, like a conflict in a firefox-esr patch
>> > with a Tor browser patch.  As long as they were detected and flagged
>> > by the automation it might not be too onerous.  I'm willing to go this
>> > way if landry@ agrees, since he's the maintainer.  It feels to me like
>> > a flavor of firefox-esr is worth pursuing now that I'm thinking about
>> > it that way.
>> Having it as a flavor of firefox-esr will put the burden of ensuring
>> that those damn patches still apply at each update on me..
> +1. This is going to be far worse than the horrible sidebar patch to mutt.
> Unless it's kept separate, it *will* get in the way of security fixes to
> firefox-esr.

Okay, cool.  As it turns out I've been working on packaging the other
components of the TBB while I waited for feedback on this issue, so no
worries: tor-browser will be a separate port more or less how it is
now (except with a few issues fixed :-).

As far as the Tor people go I would say that not only is TBB a hostile
fork of Mozilla, they seem not at all interested in fixing any bugs in
the underlying codebase but rather just layering new features and
privacy patches on top.  Some times their patches are quite intrusive
(widening internal APIs, for instance).  I don't see how they think
this is sustainable at all and I am not a huge fan of HOW they are
doing things (obviously).  It's just that WHAT they are doing is, for
the moment, the best thing going (albeit with a ton of caveats and
some salt heaped on top).

I want to get to the point where TBB is at least as "good" under
OpenBSD as it is under Linux as a first milestone but I'm not at all
convinced that this is the best use of my time long-term if I want to
promote privacy-enhancing/anonymity-preserving applications on
OpenBSD.  The Tor browser people seem to be stuck in a Linux
echo-chamber and are also a bit too enamoured of crypto, to the
exclusion of common sense.  My simple request for source tarballs that
I could use in a port was somehow silently morphed into a request for
SIGNED source tarballs (I did not say this) and then rejected because
it would be too much work and is not needed by their gitian-based
build infrastructure.  Nevermind that pretty much every other
open-source project seems to think that plain old source tarballs with
checksums is okay.  I've run into this kind of attitude before and it
is usually a bad sign.  If I didn't think Tor was important I would've
stopped bothering with this and moved on to something else.

Thanks a lot for the feedback.  landry@ gave me the necessary clues to
push TBB over the finish line, I think.  More soon.

Pax, -A
- --
att...@stalphonsos.com | http://trac.haqistan.net/~attila
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