On 9/11/15, Landry Breuil <lan...@rhaalovely.net> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 01:05:56AM -0700, patrick keshishian wrote:
>> On 9/11/15, Landry Breuil <lan...@rhaalovely.net> wrote:
>> > On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 12:27:40AM -0700, patrick keshishian wrote:
>> >> Any interest in this port? I need it for a project. Got it built on
>> >> amd64
>> >> and been testing it with an extract dump from BBBike.org. I'll be
>> >> expanding my tests as the project progresses.
>> >>
>> >> Things I had to tweak:
>> >> - configure.ac
>> >>   . pickup HAVE_TERMIOS_H so passwords aren't echoed bcak.
>> >>   . add --without-lua option. Lua is option its README says. I
>> >>     figure this should be a FLAVOR
>> >> - Fixed a few warnings about printf() format strings.
>> >> - Fixed one warning about unused variable as it ends up inside
>> >>   an #ifdef not compiled.
>> >>
>> >> After comments here I'll try and see how much of these changes
>> >> upstream may accept.
>> >>
>> >> Any comments? Did I miss stuff? etc.
>> >
>> > Yes, there's interest in this - i thought we already had it but it was
>> > osm2pgrouting which got recently imported.
>> I thought the same and was surprised there wasn't a port
>> already.
>> > I'm a bit surprised that
>> > all the deps are BDEPs, how is linking done ?
>> I see what you mean. Is there a "tool" within the ports
>> infrastructure that helps sort this stuff out?
>> I'll revisit the porter's guide sometime tomorrow and may
>> have a new tar-ball by the weekend.
> make port-lib-depends-check will tell you :)

Thanks for the hints, now both portcheck and port-lib-depends-check

Does the Makefile look better? I think it is headed toward a more
correct direction.


Pasted here for easier review (but also in attached archive).

--- 8< -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# $OpenBSD$

COMMENT =               OSM data to PostgreSQL converter

GH_TAGNAME =            0.88.1
GH_PROJECT =            osm2pgsql
GH_ACCOUNT =            openstreetmap
REVISION =              0

DISTNAME =              osm2pgsql-${GH_TAGNAME}
CATEGORIES =            geo databases

HOMEPAGE =              http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Osm2pgsql

# Not sure
#MAINTAINER =           patrick keshishian <pkesh...@gmail.com>

# GPLv2

CONFIGURE_STYLE =       autoconf

USE_GMAKE =             Yes

WANTLIB +=              boost_filesystem boost_system boost_system-mt
WANTLIB +=              boost_thread-mt bz2 c crypto geos iconv lzma
WANTLIB +=              m pq proj protobuf-c pthread ssl stdc++ xml2 z

MODULES =               converters/libiconv     \
                        databases/postgresql    \

LIB_DEPENDS =           databases/postgresql    \
                        devel/proj              \
                        devel/protobuf-c        \
                        geo/geos                \
                        textproc/libxml         \
                        devel/boost             \

BUILD_DEPENDS =         devel/gmake             \
                        devel/libtool           \

# XXX TODO lua flavor (optional)
FLAVORS =               lua

.if ${FLAVOR:Mlua}
MODULES +=              lang/lua
CONFIGURE_ARGS +=       --without-lua

        cd ${WRKSRC} && ${SETENV} ${CONFIGURE_ENV} \
                autoreconf -vfi

.include <bsd.port.mk>
------------------------------------------------------------------------- >8 ---

Attachment: geo_osm2pgsql.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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