On 2016/04/05 00:51, Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado wrote:
> > 
> > Here is the whole go update as a single huge diff including lang/go,
> > devel/go-tools, three new go ports, websocketd update and net/websocketd
> > removal.  The changes to juanfra@'s lang/go diff boil down to simplified
> > install stage - I copy over everything and then remove bootstrap.
> > 
> > I considered removing tests, but upstream says that go implementation
> > should serve a reference for good practices in go development, so these
> > tests may serve a reference implementation purposes.
> > 
> > OK?
> Sorry for the delay.
> - Use "@comment" for the bootstrap lines in PLIST

It's easier to handle updates if you rm rather than @comment.
But let's hear what the maintainer says first :-)

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