On Tue, Apr 05, 2016 at 11:43:30PM +0200, Dmitrij D. Czarkoff wrote:
> Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado said:
> > The files will not show up again in the future in the PLIST.
> Indeed.  Also
> > - I would prefer to keep the old behavior in do-install. INSTALL_* will
> >   use the correct permissions for every type of file/dir.
> We currently install everything (except bin/go and bin/gofmt) with
> INSTALL_DATA, thus stripping executable bits from several tools and
> scripts.  I am not sure it is a good idea.  FWIW I switched do-install
> to cp because tests of some package wanted to use some script from go's
> own tests, and assumed that it has 'x' permission bit set.  Provided
> that we don't package much software in go, it may be worth keeping
> closer to upstream.
> Tracking permissions manually and using INSTALL_{PROGRAM,SCRIPT} when
> needed would require much effort with no real benefit.  Just using cp
> instead we get
>   $ find /usr/local/go -type f -exec stat -f '%Su %Sg %Sp' {} + | sort | uniq 
> -c
>   7483 root bin -r--r--r--
>     34 root bin -r-xr-xr-x
> with two lines of shell commands.  Even if permission changes will be
> required in future, it will likely be easier to chmod individual files.

Yes, maybe I'm being too conservative here.

Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado http://juanfra.info

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