
Unfortunately, i don't own a yubikey to test with. Anyone got a spare?

Does ktrace offer any clues to why the scdaemon is failing?

On 16 April 2017 17:44:27 BST, Pavel Korovin <p...@tristero.se> wrote:
>On 04/11, Edd Barrett wrote:
>> Can you try killing any running gpg-agents and running a new one with
>> debug logging enabled, like this:
>>  $ gpg-agent --daemon --log-file /tmp/log --debug-level advanced
>> Then try to use your yubikey. Is there any useful debug info in the
>> file?
>Edd, do you use gnupg-2.1.20 port with Yubikey?
>I have the same issue as described here:
>gpg --card-status doesn't work with my original settings:
>2017-04-10 12:47:20 scdaemon[64625] listening on socket
>2017-04-10 12:47:20 scdaemon[64625] handler for fd -1 started
>2017-04-10 12:47:20 scdaemon[64625] DBG: chan_5 -> OK GNU Privacy
>Guard's Smartcard server ready
>2017-04-10 12:47:20 scdaemon[64625] DBG: chan_5 <- GETINFO socket_name
>2017-04-10 12:47:20 scdaemon[64625] DBG: chan_5 -> D
>2017-04-10 12:47:20 scdaemon[64625] DBG: chan_5 -> OK
>2017-04-10 12:47:20 scdaemon[64625] DBG: chan_5 <- OPTION
>2017-04-10 12:47:20 scdaemon[64625] DBG: chan_5 -> OK
>2017-04-10 12:47:20 scdaemon[64625] DBG: chan_5 <- GETINFO version
>2017-04-10 12:47:20 scdaemon[64625] DBG: chan_5 -> D 2.1.20
>2017-04-10 12:47:20 scdaemon[64625] DBG: chan_5 -> OK
>2017-04-10 12:47:20 scdaemon[64625] DBG: chan_5 <- SERIALNO openpgp
>2017-04-10 12:47:20 scdaemon[64625] DBG: apdu_open_reader: BAI=302
>2017-04-10 12:47:20 scdaemon[64625] DBG: apdu_open_reader: new
>And nothing else. gpg just hangs until I interrupt it with Control-C.
>I tried to set "disable-ccid" option, after that scdaemon fails early:
>$ gpg --card-status
>gpg: selecting openpgp failed: Operation not supported by device       
>gpg: OpenPGP card not available: Operation not supported by device
>2017-04-10 12:53:32 scdaemon[55296] handler for fd -1 started
>2017-04-10 12:53:32 scdaemon[55296] DBG: chan_5 -> OK GNU Privacy
>Guard's Smartcard server ready
>2017-04-10 12:53:32 scdaemon[55296] DBG: chan_5 <- GETINFO socket_name
>2017-04-10 12:53:32 scdaemon[55296] DBG: chan_5 -> D
>2017-04-10 12:53:32 scdaemon[55296] DBG: chan_5 -> OK
>2017-04-10 12:53:32 scdaemon[55296] DBG: chan_5 <- OPTION
>2017-04-10 12:53:32 scdaemon[55296] DBG: chan_5 -> OK
>2017-04-10 12:53:32 scdaemon[55296] DBG: chan_5 <- GETINFO version
>2017-04-10 12:53:32 scdaemon[55296] DBG: chan_5 -> D 2.1.20
>2017-04-10 12:53:32 scdaemon[55296] DBG: chan_5 -> OK
>2017-04-10 12:53:32 scdaemon[55296] DBG: chan_5 <- SERIALNO openpgp
>2017-04-10 12:53:32 scdaemon[55296] DBG: enter: apdu_open_reader:
>2017-04-10 12:53:32 scdaemon[55296] pcsc_establish_context failed: no
>service (0x8010001d)
>2017-04-10 12:53:32 scdaemon[55296] DBG: leave: apdu_open_reader =>
>slot=-1 [pc/sc]
>2017-04-10 12:53:32 scdaemon[55296] DBG: chan_5 -> ERR 100696144
>Operation not supported by device <SCD>
>With best regards,
>Pavel Korovin

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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