Hi Edd,

Edd Barrett wrote on Mon, Jul 03, 2017 at 09:49:52AM +0100:
> On Sun, Jul 02, 2017 at 07:33:19PM +0200, Ingo Schwarze wrote:
>> Edd wrote:

>>> But unless it breaks rendering, I wouldn't worry.

>> I'm not aware of any way how that one could break rendering,
>> so you certainly don't need to worry.

> Thanks for clearing that up Ingo.

>> So i should probably downgrade
>>   WARNING: whitespace at end of input line
>> to STYLE.

> As you wish.


> I'm no mandoc expert :)

That's fine!

When trying to make mandoc easier to use (which includes making its
messages less confusing), i have a hard time making progress unless
developers who are experts in *other* areas share their questions.

I see lots of issues in this region that casual users probably
never dreamt of in their worst nightmares, but i no longer see
the issues that casual users will wonder about because i'm too
familiar with the internals.

Exactly like, "wow look, a thick, fat WARNING about trailing
whitespace...  do i need to worry?"


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