Ciao Brian,

On 08/03/18 21:07, Brian Callahan wrote:
I used the following comment line, detailing the tools/libs present in /src and the corresponding licenses:

# MIT (abc, minisat), BSD (bzlib, CUDD), zlib

I'm not sure these are entirely correct? bzlib should be listed under the zlib license, no? There might be other license marker tweaks needed so please double check.

Let me explain what I did in order to collect the license info:

[... snip ...]
$ pwd

$ find . -name "*LICENSE*" -o -name "*license*" -o -name "*copy*" -o -name "*COPY*"
[... snip ...]

So, as Stuart noticed, on top of abc itself (released under the MIT license), there are:
- local copies of CUDD, bzlib and zlib;
- a slightly modified version of MiniSat (bsat, bsat2, released under the same MIT license);
- xSAT, based on bsat and released under the MIT license;
-satoko, released under the 2-clause BSD license.

CUDD uses the 3-clause BSD license, so I merged it with MiniSat/xSAT under a generic BSD tag.

bzlib is part of bzip2 and is released under a BSD-style license (not the zlib one as you guessed).

zlib has its own license.

I tweaked a bit the license marker line, hoping it's more complete now:

# MIT (abc, MiniSat, xSAT), BSD (bzlib, CUDD, satoko), zlib

[...]>> do-install target required a tweak in order to take the executable
from ${WRKDIR}/build-${MACHINE_ARCH}. Should I set SEPARATE_BUILD too?

cmake sets SEPARATE_BUILD for you. Use WRKBUILD instead of that WRKDIR/build-MACHINE_ARCH thing.


New tarball attached.


Attachment: abc.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

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