On Mon, Mar 09, 2020 at 08:25:03AM +0100, Martin Reindl wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 09, 2020 at 08:07:23AM +0100, Theo Buehler wrote:
> > > Is this the complete error output? I get the impression that errors 
> > > related to
> > > numpy are common to hdf5/netcdf ports, it's probably similiar to how 
> > > py-netcdf
> > > fails.
> > 
> > Yes, it's the complete output inlined from test.log.  I'm building
> > math/py-netcdf4 now which looks like it will take a while, will report
> > back once I will have run its tests.
> > 
> > See also ~tb/py-h5py-test.log on cvs.
> If you can spare the CPU cycles, try with the numpy 1.16.5 diff floating
> around.

The py-netcdf4 failure (with the in-tree numpy) is an alignment issue.
Full test.log:

 UserWarning: WARNING: missing_value not used since it
cannot be safely cast to variable data type
FAIL: runTest (tst_compoundvar.VariablesTestCase)
testing compound variables
Traceback (most recent call last):
"/usr/ports/pobj/py-netcdf4-1.5.3/netCDF4-1.5.3/test/tst_compoundvar.py", line 
72, in setUp
    assert (cmptype4 == dtype4a) # data type should be aligned

Ran 91 tests in 412.802s

FAILED (failures=1)
not running tst_unicode.py ...

netcdf4-python version: 1.5.3
HDF5 lib version:       1.10.6
netcdf lib version:     4.7.3
numpy version           1.14.6
cython version          0.29.14
*** Error 1 in . (Makefile:50 'do-test': @cd 
/usr/ports/pobj/py-netcdf4-1.5.3/netCDF4-1.5.3/test && /usr/bin/env -i CC=cc 

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