On 2020/06/05 14:44, Charlie Burnett wrote:
> Howdy,
> I'm starting to work through and add the dependencies for FreeCAD, attached
> you'll find the patch adding the Visual Toolkit Library 8.2.0 to ports.
> There's a version 9 available but 8.2 is what's required for FreeCAD.
> Development page is here: https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk
> Let me know if there's anything I missed!

quick review, sorry for brevity:

- send new ports as a tar.gz of the port directory, not of a diff

- add the rcsid line at the top of the file

# $OpenBSD$

- PKG_ARCH=* means "the produced package works on all arches" which isn't
the case for anything with binaries

- SHARED_LIBS version numbers should use the "major.minor" format and start
from 0.0, however with the huge number of libraries it's going to be insane
to analyse and figure out which individual ones need bumps in future I think
you can just do it like this, so all the versions can be updated in one go

LIBVER =        0.0
SHARED_LIBS +=  vtkChartsCore                           ${LIBVER}
SHARED_LIBS +=  vtkCommonColor                          ${LIBVER}
SHARED_LIBS +=  vtkCommonComputationalGeometry          ${LIBVER}
SHARED_LIBS +=  vtkCommonCore                           ${LIBVER}

- the following are set by default when cmake is used, please drop the lines:

- PKGNAME=${DISTNAME} is set by default and normally should be dropped,
though we generally prefer lowercase package names so for this I'd use
PKGNAME=${DISTNAME:L} to do that

- DESCR should be word-wrapped

- was there a particular reason for the patches that rename the libraries?
+-  qt5_wrap_cpp(PluginMocSrcs ${PluginMocHeaders} TARGET QVTKWidgetPlugin)
++  qt5_wrap_cpp(PluginMocSrcs ${PluginMocHeaders} TARGET 

doing this usually causes problems (and causes the library names to not match
your SHARED_LIBS lines which results in the version numbers not being set
properly). Probably want to drop those patches and rerun "make plist" which
with the SHARED_LIBS changes should result in replacing



@so lib/libvtkChartsCore.so.${LIBvtkChartsCore_VERSION}
@so lib/libvtkCommonColor.so.${LIBvtkCommonColor_VERSION}


There will be some other things but it will be easier to look at
them with the above changed.

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