On Sat, Sep 05, 2020 at 12:25:51PM +0100, Edd Barrett wrote:
> Hi all,
> We've been talking about trying to remove security/gnupg (i.e. gpg
> version 1) for some time, and the recent plist clash has given me the
> kick up the butt I needed to look more seriously at this.
> Below is a list of things that still depend upon gpg1, by maintainer, as
> determined by:
> select fullpkgpath from ports where build_depends glob '*security/gnupg[^2]*' 
> or run_depends glob '*security/gnupg[^2]*' order by maintainer;
> Let's see if we can move these to gpg2. I'll start by working my way
> through the ports with no maintainer. I'd appreciate it if maintainers
> could help out with their ports.
> Cheers!
> semarie@:
>     www/weboob

It should be compatible with gpg2

    def find_gpgv():
        return find_exe('gpgv2') or find_exe('gpgv')

    def find_gpg():
        return find_exe('gpg2') or find_exe('gpg')

So just switching the dependency should be enough

OK ?

diff 364e51bd4b56afa868a53b9e30371c47d5e4011b /home/semarie/repos/openbsd/ports
blob - f163a9f2d3a82c39994210de5329e2f88a4227f8
file + www/weboob/Makefile
--- www/weboob/Makefile
+++ www/weboob/Makefile
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ COMMENT =       web out of browsers
-REVISION =     0
+REVISION =     1
 HOMEPAGE =     https://weboob.org
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ RUN_DEPENDS +=        converters/py-html2text${MODPY_FLAVOR} 
                devel/py-six${MODPY_FLAVOR} \
                graphics/py-Pillow${MODPY_FLAVOR} \
                net/curl \
-               security/gnupg \
+               security/gnupg2 \
                textproc/py-lxml${MODPY_FLAVOR} \
                textproc/py-feedparser${MODPY_FLAVOR} \
                textproc/py-prettytable${MODPY_FLAVOR} \

Sebastien Marie

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