Le 2020-09-05 13:25, Edd Barrett a écrit :
Hi all,

We've been talking about trying to remove security/gnupg (i.e. gpg
version 1) for some time, and the recent plist clash has given me the
kick up the butt I needed to look more seriously at this.

Below is a list of things that still depend upon gpg1, by maintainer, as
determined by:

select fullpkgpath from ports where build_depends glob
'*security/gnupg[^2]*' or run_depends glob '*security/gnupg[^2]*'
order by maintainer;

Let's see if we can move these to gpg2. I'll start by working my way
through the ports with no maintainer. I'd appreciate it if maintainers
could help out with their ports.

It seems mailpile isn't going to support gpg2 before some time.

The development has slowed in the last years, maybe we should remove
mailpile from ports, the project doesn't seem to be going anywhere.

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