Shane S. Rhyne wrote:
> Garth's (and some other, less vocal, artists') statements about used CD
> sales represent a valid concern about royalty revenues. However, as much as
> I try to be in favor of artists getting paid for their creation, I find the
> anti-used CD stance to be a bit weak.
> Mainly because, economically, I've never seen it work. Attempts by members
> of the primary market to control the secondary market have generally had the
> exact opposite effect that the primary market folks hoped for.

Here is a short list of artists that we almost never have turned in

Bob Seger

Now here is a list of artists that are not available (with rare
exception) in the record clubs:

Bob Seger

Now it would seem to me if you don't want to devalue your merchandise
then just don't give it away in the first place.  The artist does have
control of this.

Bill Lavery

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