Tom Mohr wrote:

<<So if I signed a deal with a major label tomorrow, and assuming that I am
not quite as popular as Beatles/Metallica et al,
then I would still have the option of telling the label "don't sell my
stuff to the record clubs"?

I did not know that -- I assumed that the major labels and the record clubs
 had some kind of arrangement.>>

de-lurking a bit, (since I haven't posted in a week, does that qualify me as a
lurker now?)...

I recall when that 7 Mary 3 album came out (with that annoying single)...
I think it was through Mammoth/Atlantic.
Anyway, I recall seeing it listed in one of the disc club's magazines, and
later I read where 7M3 had it removed, stating that it was in their contract
that it not appear in any of those clubs. (there was another artist listed in
the article, but I forget who it was).  Anyway, I don't think I've seen their
name/listing since. (and quite honestly, haven't really looked either! <g>)

I thought Iceman's insight on the Hootie disc was interesting, and makes me
wonder what kind of arrangement Radiohead has, considering their 1st 2 are
available, but "OK Computer" has never shown up in any of the catalogs.


np: 'Mats - All for Nothing

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